Sept 5

  • Toy model of superposition
  • The features are directions in the activation space.
  • Based on the discussion in the cohort, it seemed like, on a particular layer, directions are the possible vectors with neuron as the basis.
  • But in that scenario, the polysemanaticity should be the norm and not a surprising fact.

Sept 4

  • Sociolinguistics foundations of AI
    • No insights into the methods that can be employed to access those biases
    • Interesting ideas but not developed further. to explore how they can be useful
    • No claims are proven, and since those conclusions are already part of the general knowledge among practitioners of LLMs
    • Real contribution being only to provide a taxonomy, which is useful and can be further developed but the current article falls short on providing anything useful or a pathway to how it can become useful.

Sept 3

  • Sociolinguistics foundations of AI
    • Considers LLMs as modelling variety of language
    • Provides a taxonomy to analyze the bias and other aspects of language generated by LLMs