I am switching between reading and listening The Late show by Michael Connelly
A detective investigative novel following the life of Detective Ballard who work a night shift with her partner Jenkins, after a failed attempt at lodging a complaint against her former boss pushed her to this undesirable late night shift in LAPD.
Made me think how much knowledge of an internal language and habits of the workforce you need to write well about it.
A captivating novel so far.
I have been continuing the no phone time for the mornings, to have some time for the deep work. It had been working quite well.
We finally saw Kantara yesterday. After much await, trying to coordinate the timings with friends.
Excellent movie!
Reminded me of how similar most indigenous traditions in this world are everywhere. The relation to nature, the silence, and contentment as the highest pursuit.
Reminded me of the Kullu Dushehra that I attended some years ago with similar presence of Demi-Gods in theor life.