How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives. - Annie Dillard, Pilgrimage at Tinker creek.
This is intended to be a log of daily activities. My first impression and some developing thoughts on articles, papers, videos. This is a public diary of sort in principle with the idea of learning in public. The key idea being that learning never stops and by sharing your progress and failures you:
  • Grow out of perfectionist mindset
  • Make faster progress
  • Have something that someone might find to be helpful.

AI safety

Understanding black boxes to make them safe.
I first got interested in Artificial intelligence Machine learning because I wanted to understand how these trained machines function. After finishing my first PostDoctoral Scientist position in Deep learning, I decided to dig deeper, into the functioning of these algorithms as well how mechanistically trained parameters perform tasks and make decisions.
AI: July 2024
AI: August 2024
AI: Sept 2024

Readings, Movies, and other stuff.

Life: August 2024
Life: September 2024